Study System

1.      The student study two consecutive levels (within two semesters) to complete all the required courses of the foundation year.

2.      It's not allowed to add or delete any subject and the study table is fixed for the student for the duration of his study of the Foundation year.

3.      The registration process will be done automatically by the Deanship of Admission and Registration according to the study plan for the Foundation year.

4.      In case of a student fail to success in foundation year subject, the student is permitted to study this  subject in the following semester, in case that this subject has a prerequisite subject the study of the failed subject is postponed to the next semester (finishing study of the foundation year should not exceeding more than three semesters).

5.      Student must pass all Foundation year courses successfully during the first year, and only allowed to study an extra semester for students failed to finish all the foundation year requirements (student should finish the foundation year studying requirements in three semesters NOT more).

6.      Student will not allowed to enter the final exam because of absence if the student's absence rate exceeded (without an acceptable excuse) 20% of the lectures and scientific lessons identified for each course during the semester and he will given a deny degree (ح, DN) in the final grade sheet.

7.      The study system does not allow the transfer from the foundation year scientific track to the foundation year administrative and humanitarian track, as well as vice versa.

8. The study system does not allow transfer between KAU branches only after passing the foundation year courses successfully and with a grade not less than 3 of 5.

Last Update
9/1/2012 2:46:04 PM